Smash Ironing

What is Smash Ironing?

It’s a quick method for ironing when a project needs to be done and quick more than neat.

This is not a technique that you should use on a guild challenge, an heirloom quilt, or a quilt with lots of bias seams.

However, if you’re whacking together a scrap quilt (and you don’t LOVE scrap quilting), or whipping up a charity quilt on a tight deadline, smash ironing is the perfect technique to use.

Smash Ironing… is just what it sounds like. Use the iron on the front of the quilt, and flatten the seams, disregarding which direction they smash.

I know… I know… I can hear you cringing. But remember, not every quilt is an heirloom. And, if it’s not an heirloom, how much of your time is the quilt worth?