Tools at Hand

Last weekend, my sewing buddy came over for a play date in my sewing room.

She brought a consolation prize.

She handed me a cup of coffee, and then she sat me down and said….

“Your Sewing Room isn’t working.”

Let me give you the back story….

A few months ago, my husband asked me to give up my sewing room so that we could have a formal guest bedroom.

This is the old sewing room, in the chaos of the move…

In exchange, he offered me the office- WHICH IS THREE TIMES THE SIZE OF MY OLD SEWING ROOM!!!!

The catch? I had 3 weeks to move ALL of my fabric.

Well… I did it. I moved all of my fabric and sewing supplies out of our new guest bedroom, and since I was that far into the project, I ripped out the carpet

and installed hardwood floors.

I painted the walls, and we bought new furniture for the guest bedroom.

WHILE all of that construction and renovation was going on, I set up my new sewing room in the old office.

Chaos, much!?!!

Since then, I have been sewing away, and getting quilts done, but the new sewing room just hasn’t felt like…. home.

So, last Saturday, my sewing buddy and I spent the day rearranging the furniture and removing the non-sewing items that had crept into my sewing room.

The room is GORGEOUS, now!

And, because all of the work stations have all of the right tools in all of the right places, it is so EASY to use the space!

Look at what I have gotten done in the last 7 days:

In the process of settling into the new work stations, I found a few quilting and storage tools that I had purchased… but never used. Do you have quilting toys that you have never used? (I’m not talking about fabric or patterns or books… Just tools, rulers, and storage/organization bins!)

Do you have areas in your sewing room that would benefit from a little tidying up?

Happy Quilting,


PS. What part of your sewing room ALWAYS collects junk?

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