In Town Quilters Inside Look

So, as you may remember, I went to Atlanta a few weeks ago for a conference.

While I was there, I took some time to check out the local quilt stores, and I thought you might like to hear about my adventures. In my last email, I shared my trip to Tiny Stitches in Marrietta, Georgia.

Today, I want to share the pictures and stories from my trip to In Town Quilters.

This store took me to the suburbs or Atlanta, and I found it in a shopping district that seemed (to me) to spring up out of the tangle of highways and trees that encompass the borders of Atlanta.

The store looks like it may have once been a residence, but was long ago converted to comerical space. From the outside, it seems modest and petite- very charming.

But, step inside the door, and it is a whole other story!

In Town Quilters is a breath of fresh air in the quilting world. The fabrics are modern, the samples on the walls embody the vivacious energy of the modern quilt movement.

The vignettes and displays splashed a riot of color throughout the store that contrasted beautifully with the mellow wood floors and the soothing white walls.

More so than any other store on my trip, In Town Quilters tempted me to load up on fabric, patterns, and books to lug home in my suitcase.

Ultimately, I found a book by Cindy Grisedela That I just couldn’t resist. I want to see, a little bit, what all of this modern quilting is about- because to me, quilting is quilting, no matter the intention or the outcome of the quilt!

And, I have just a few more quilts from this shop to share with you:

I love this grey and green and black quilt- it feels like it would be so much fun to make!

I also REALLY love how busy and bright this quilt is!

This quilt plays very mischievously with negative space, which is a concept that I just can’t resist!

I struggle with the labels ‘modern’ and ‘traditional’ when it comes to quilting- as far as I am concerned, quilting is quilting! But, even I have to admit that this quilt really blends the modern color palette with the traditional block patterns, plus a few MORE design ideas for good measure. I love this traditional/modern quilt, and you can grab the kit here!

Do you have Tradition from Fiddler on the Roof stuck in your head, now? ‘Cause I do…. I’m going to be signing along with Zero Mostel that for the next three days….

Anyway, I have some more quilts that I fell in love with at In Town Quilters:

This one is probably my all time favorite in the store, and the display was so fabulous that I had to show you how In Town Quilters coordinated their quilt displays with their fabric displays.

Speaking of fabric displays, here is another wall of fabric that I just couldn’t keep from touching!

It’s a good thing I had such strict luggage allowances on this trip- because I think that I would have bought ALL of this fabric, otherwise!

Remember to stop by In Town Quilters Facebook Page and let the know that you enjoyed hearing about their store from me!

Happy Quilting!


P.S. What is your favorite quilt store that you have ever traveled to?

Sign up for my Newsletter and let me know where you love to shop for quilt fabric!